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Overview :

Family law consists of a body of statutes and case precedents that govern the legal responsibilities between individuals who share a domestic connection. These cases usually involve parties who are related by blood or marriage, but family law can affect those in more distant or casual relationships as well. Due to the emotionally-charged nature of most family law cases, litigants are strongly advised to retain legal counsel.

The vast majority of family law proceedings come about as a result of the termination of a marriage or romantic relationship. Family law attorneys help their clients file for separation or divorce, alimony, and child custody, visitation, and support. Spouses married a short time may seek an annulment, and special rights may exist between same-sex couples. The division of property at the end of a marriage is also a common issue in family law cases.

Reasonable Solution

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How Can We Help !

JOHN FLETCHER Senior Attorney

JOHN FLETCHER Senior Attorney

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CHRISTIAN WOODS Financial Lawyer

CHRISTIAN WOODS Financial Lawyer

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ALLEN FLOYD Criminal Lawyer

ALLEN FLOYD Criminal Lawyer

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